What Can Acupuncture Treat?
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes acupuncture and Chinese Medicine's ability to treat more than 43 disorders:
Food allergies, peptic ulcer, constipation, chronic diarrhea, indigestion, gastrointestinal weakness, and gastritis
Prostate issues, stress incontinence, urinary tract infections and sexual dysfunction
Including irregular, heavy or painful menstruation, PMS, infertility in women and men, menopausal symptoms, childbirth and lactation support
Emphysema, sinusitis, asthma, allergies and bronchitis
Bones, Muscles, Joints and Nervous System
Arthritis, neuralgia, migraine headaches, insomnia, dizziness, tendonitis, tennis elbow, low back, neck and shoulder pain, sciatica, whiplash, sports injuries
Hypertension, stroke, angina, anemia, edema
Emotional and Psychological
Depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), anxiety, stress and grief
Alcohol, nicotine, and many types of drug addiction
General Medicine
Eye, ear, and throat disorders including cold and flu relief, immune system dysfunctions.
Below are links to recent studies:
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes acupuncture and Chinese Medicine's ability to treat more than 43 disorders:
Food allergies, peptic ulcer, constipation, chronic diarrhea, indigestion, gastrointestinal weakness, and gastritis
Prostate issues, stress incontinence, urinary tract infections and sexual dysfunction
Including irregular, heavy or painful menstruation, PMS, infertility in women and men, menopausal symptoms, childbirth and lactation support
Emphysema, sinusitis, asthma, allergies and bronchitis
Bones, Muscles, Joints and Nervous System
Arthritis, neuralgia, migraine headaches, insomnia, dizziness, tendonitis, tennis elbow, low back, neck and shoulder pain, sciatica, whiplash, sports injuries
Hypertension, stroke, angina, anemia, edema
Emotional and Psychological
Depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), anxiety, stress and grief
Alcohol, nicotine, and many types of drug addiction
General Medicine
Eye, ear, and throat disorders including cold and flu relief, immune system dysfunctions.
Below are links to recent studies:
Acupuncture treatments are integrative. They take into account all aspects of a person’s being, inside and out: including lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, stress, work and relationships.
Your treatment begins by taking a health history and explaining your symptoms. The acupuncturist may look at your tongue and take your pulse, to help diagnosis. Acupuncture diagnosis involves understanding the patient’s individual pattern, and then determine the appropriate point prescription. This treatment normally consists of the insertion of about 5-10 (sterilized, single-use, hair-thin) needles.
The needle insertion is normally painless. The patient relaxes for about 30-40 minutes with the needles. Patients often fall asleep during this time.
The patient may receive some lifestyle recommendations. The number of additional treatments depends on the condition and the health of the patient. Acupuncture is a therapy and can take 3 treatments to feel a big difference. The more serious the condition, the longer it takes to successfully heal.
Your treatment begins by taking a health history and explaining your symptoms. The acupuncturist may look at your tongue and take your pulse, to help diagnosis. Acupuncture diagnosis involves understanding the patient’s individual pattern, and then determine the appropriate point prescription. This treatment normally consists of the insertion of about 5-10 (sterilized, single-use, hair-thin) needles.
The needle insertion is normally painless. The patient relaxes for about 30-40 minutes with the needles. Patients often fall asleep during this time.
The patient may receive some lifestyle recommendations. The number of additional treatments depends on the condition and the health of the patient. Acupuncture is a therapy and can take 3 treatments to feel a big difference. The more serious the condition, the longer it takes to successfully heal.
Cupping TherapyCupping is an ancient treatment that can alleviate muscle tension, stiffness and pain. You will feel the effects of a deep tissue massage. It can help with blood flow and a deep sense of relaxation and well-being.
Stress Rescue TreatmentsTake time out of your busy life to nurture yourself with a stress rescue treatment. This treatment creates a deep state of relaxation by triggering your parasympathetic nervous system which can replenish your body’s resources. You will leave the clinic relaxed, renewed and better prepared to meet the demands of today’s world.
Orthopedic StyleRadi is certified in this modern technique of locally stimulating trigger points in the muscle in order to release the tissue, some may know this as "dry needling". While the term is a major misnomer, this is essentially an advanced acupuncture technique. It is greatly used to reduce pain and inflammation caused by overstimulated muscles from living in our contemporary society of long work hours at a computer, commuting in cars, and just every day stress of society. Orthopedic style may include electro-stimulation, in which the needles are attached to electricity to provide continuous stimulation until the muscle is activated.
AcuWell AcupunctureHelping you feel better
1379 Route 28A